Hello bloggers, once you find or put your link in the guest book blogs you visit from shoutmix? yes, has long been the case this happens when we put up our link, but after we send the message we do not have a link on our behalf when we want to fill the guest book. And this happens only to the bloggers who exist in Indonesia. Apparently shoutmix Indonesian IP block, so we do not get a backlink that we want. not really worrying.
This may happen because in my opinion there are many bloggers from Indonesia that is too much, so maybe this is in some spam by shoutmix. Evidence that IP is blocked from Indonesia, when I'm using a server abroad could also, then I change the server to Indonesia can not. This is the problem. My advice to continue to provide convenience for our loyal blog visitors I recommend to switch to a service other than shoutmix guest book, or not enough with you to change your Internet connection with a server abroad. I first used to create this blog using shoutmix, since the tempo and shoutmix error, then I switched to cbox. This is a notification only, and not a promotion. and happy bloging
This may happen because in my opinion there are many bloggers from Indonesia that is too much, so maybe this is in some spam by shoutmix. Evidence that IP is blocked from Indonesia, when I'm using a server abroad could also, then I change the server to Indonesia can not. This is the problem. My advice to continue to provide convenience for our loyal blog visitors I recommend to switch to a service other than shoutmix guest book, or not enough with you to change your Internet connection with a server abroad. I first used to create this blog using shoutmix, since the tempo and shoutmix error, then I switched to cbox. This is a notification only, and not a promotion. and happy bloging
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